Three Tips for Busy Brokers to Focus on This New Year

Written by on December 7, 2022

Who doesn’t love the beginning of a new year? There’s an exciting buzz in the air, motivation is at an all-time high, and everyone is ready to kick serious goals after a much-deserved break. We bet you’re gearing up to tackle your biggest year in business yet — go you!

Now’s the time to review your broker strategy and choose which areas are a top priority — but where to start? For all the busy brokers out there who aren’t sure where to start, we’ve put together three tips to focus on this new year

#1 Pay attention to your lead flow

New leads are the lifeblood of your brokerage; it’s as simple as that. We believe focusing on your lead flow should be in your top three business priorities for 2023. Prospective leads are everywhere — you just need to know where to look. 

Sure, you’ve covered your online bases through social media and email marketing but have you spotted the leads that could be hiding in plain sight? It’s easy to forget that the conversations and interactions we have in our daily lives  — say, at the grocery store or school pick-up — are packed with potential.

Remember, any of these connections could lead to a word-of-mouth referral, so make sure you always keep your broker hat on and communicate with kindness and authenticity at every opportunity. People talk, so give them only good things to say about you. 

#2 Make sure you’ve nailed your elevator pitch

An elevator pitch is an absolute must-have for your brokerage. It’s the perfect one-liner to tell potential clients (both online and in-person) what you do and why you’re better than the competition

If you ask us, the best elevator pitches don’t use flashy words or complicated industry jargon. Instead, they’re concise and get to the point quickly. Let’s take a look at Apple’s 30-second elevator pitch on buying a Mac computer as an example:

Easy to learn. Astoundingly powerful. And designed to let you work, play, and create in ways you never imagined. It’s the computer that comes packed with apps that are ready to go right out of the box. Free, regular software updates keep things up to date and running smoothly. And if you already have an iPhone, it feels familiar from the moment you turn it on.”

See? It’s that simple! 

If you need a hand getting started, try answering these three questions to create the perfect elevator pitch for your brokerage: 

  • Who are you?
  • What do you offer?
  • Why do you do what you do?

#3 Be open to building more connections

This year, we encourage you to focus on making it easy for people to connect with you and to build your connections. Why? Because you will be creating advocates for yourself. The fact of the matter is that once people trust you, they’ll sell you to their network

Did you know that a whopping 93% of consumers say online reviews influence their purchasing decisions? This isn’t an overly surprising statistic given our own buying behaviours. Think about your last investment or purchase — did you check the reviews? We bet you did. 

Don’t be afraid to ask clients you’ve worked with if they saw value in your services; if it was worth their time, we have a hunch they’ll say ‘yes’. From here, your next move is to build your credibility by asking for a testimonial

Bonus tip: create a routine 

Getting into the ‘new year groove’ is all about creating a routine that helps you feel focused and energised. But, of course, sticking to a new routine is half the battle — that’s why we’ve done the hard work for you (you’re welcome).

The Broker Journal is your go-to guide for daily, weekly and monthly business growth. Packed with industry insights, activity sheets, and handy tips, you’ll be equipped to create better routines, behaviours, and outcomes for your business

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