I suggest to my clients that they share their story, so taking my own advice. here is my story so far…

Chapter One


I am 43 years old (right now in 2022) and have learnt in my wise “old” age that it’s okay to be vulnerable. To learn the lessons I need to learn and to celebrate the moments that present themselves to me or to my better half and my two centre of influences (my kids) that vulnerability is okay.

I have never been one to read books and I still don’t (something that annoys Kylie a little) because I buy them, read a few pages, can’t find the spark, put them down and never open them again.  It’s not that I don’t believe books hold value, but they are not the best way for me to absorb information or be inspired by the information within.  

Personally I learn lessons through interacting with people.  I love the vulnerability of people, their stories, their journeys. I learn through my connections with people and their learning their experiences.  

Pushing myself to be the best version of me, failing every other day, means I need to keep talking, keep learning, keep growing.  I commit to being accountable for me and for my actions.


Chapter Two


I LOVE talking to people.  I also LOVE listening to music – I enjoy reading lyrics, surprise, surprise and find the messages compelling; poetry is a style of writing I can relate to and resonate with as it is a person’s life experiences shared through song. 

You’re going to think I have an issue with books – but life is not a book, it’s not a story, it’s a collection of moments in time, in a day, in a week, and throughout the years.  These memories and experiences are ours to make, they are not written for us.  

Life takes twists and turns, full of good and bad moments that teach us about ourselves.


Chapter Three

Growing up poor and having to fend for myself but being fortunate enough to have brothers and sisters to help me through it, I became reliant on them and allowed them to be reliant on me – sound familiar?

Losing a parent at nineteen and forced to grow up faster than I wanted, I found my choices now had real consequences, consequences that not only affected or influenced me, but my siblings.  Responsibility came at me without request.  I had little choice as I saw it.  I now had to look after siblings – how scary!

Losing my twin sister in a car accident at an age where her life was still unfolding with so many more memories stripped from her, and me – how cruel!

Having a child that is intellectually impaired with a different life awaiting him, knowing that this new journey will allow me zero excuses, I cannot lie to yourself or deny him the best version of you – how challenging.

Twists and turns…


Chapter Four


And here we are.

Why am I finding myself today not wanting to change anything?

Why do I feel so wealthy in worldly lessons?

Why do I feel no real regrets on my journey?

Why do I feel so lucky, so blessed?


Because I know today that I am far from perfect.  I also know that I love the life I have and that I have the people around me to keep me grounded – their opinion is the only one that matters.

I know that I have to keep pushing to be my best version – because we all deserve to see each person’s best version.

Do I care what others think?

Of course I do.

Do I want to impress others?

Hell yes

Do I want to have a good reputation?

If I can help it, yes.

Do I want to leave a lasting effect in whatever I do?

100%, otherwise why do it?

Do I worry about making mistakes?

Yes, but I know that it is part of life.

Do I want to upset people?

Hell no, but I’m certain I will at some point. 

Chapter Five


I love this saying: 

Let me do me and you do you.

Actions speak louder than words. 

As my actions are mine, I will keep working on making them count and I can only hope that if they are well received, hopefully they can influence others in a positive, memorable way.

Life is in the eyes of the beholder, so make your memories count and turn what may look like an unlucky situation,  into a lucky memory.

We have so much to be grateful for and proud of, we are all blessed one way or another.

Onwards and upwards.



If you’d like to book in a session with our team to get on track with your vision and your future, Get In Touch today via this form, book your discovery call and we’ll be able to book in your session soon Or stay updated by signing up below. 

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