As a loan writer, your path to success is paved not only by your expertise in crafting loan applications but also by your ability to cultivate and nurture strong client relationships. Establishing positive and professional connections can do wonders for your career. It enhances trust, streamlines your loan writing services, and ultimately leads to increased […]
Whilst you might like to think that you work with adults and shouldn’t have to ‘manage’ them, the facts are that a workplace’s culture is determined by how the leaders let a workplace be run. If a leader or a team of leaders is out of touch with the team and the culture of the [...]
Forget five year plans - if you think back five years ago would you have predicted the state of the world right now? No! - let's think right NOW and let's think about getting to work and smashing some goals in the next three months. You’ll be surprised how much you can achieve in [...]
It’s a very competitive market place right now when it comes to finding the right people that are going to help grow your business. Business owners all want to find the best applicants, attract them to apply for the role on offer and welcome them into their team effectively. The time, investment and energy this [...]
Markets are changing and sometimes without much notice. So instead of letting the market determine your business productivity and success, let’s bulletproof your business so no matter what the market throws at you - you and your business can carry on strong. By putting some key points into practice (today) you can steer your business [...]
I suggest to my clients that they share their story, so taking my own advice. here is my story so far… Chapter One I am 43 years old (right now in 2022) and have learnt in my wise “old” age that it’s okay to be vulnerable. To learn the lessons I need to [...]
At Success & Broker we are big believers in that Vision, regardless of how small or big, it is a great thing. Your vision is ahead of you, your strategy is in front of you and the two work in tandem. So getting clear on your vision, what you are aiming for and what you [...]
It’s the nature of humans; we have an undeniable urge to create. Create skyscrapers, create towns, houses and roads…create memories, create families. And life in the twenty-first century is only set to get busier with us all creating more of everything. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day grind, transfixed by the hustle [...]
It’s super easy as a mortgage broker or loan writer to get ‘tunnel vision’. The work load, the compliance load, the client load - it’s a lot. So getting through the ‘work’ can easily see you maintain lazer focus on the numbers, not necessarily looking broader at the activity that drives those numbers. And it’s [...]
“Ruan is experienced, passionate and compassionate. What a package! Working with him has been a pleasure. His guidance and support has helped with our vision and strategy and you can’t help but be high energy when he’s around.” - Marlies Hobbs What Is A State Of Play Session? One of my favourite sayings is [...]