The LVR Podcast™ Episode #12

Written by on April 6, 2022

The LVR Podcast

How To Balance a Successful Broking Career with the Demands of Family/Personal Life.

Designed for Brokers, made by Brokers.

April 6. 2022

This podcast is our chance to give back to the mortgage broking industry and talk about real issues that are affecting most brokers and loan writers right now. Learning, Validation and Respect = the very foundations of all relationships. 


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Today we’re talking all about work and home balance in our industry. Big message: Focus on what is going to work for you. Find the family and work balance that is going to help you feel energised and work long-term for you. Key points include:

  • Success and balance mean different things to different people because we’re all wired differently. 
  • The broking industry gives you the capacity to build something that works for you and your circumstances. 
  • Flexibility is one of the best and worst things about our industry. It means we could work all the time – but that can lead to burnout and deteriorate your relationships.
  • Use a diary and schedule the things that are important to you and your family. 
  • Research, Planning, Implementation and Review. 
  • Transitioning to a point of pushing back on clients and saying “no” to when you are less flexible with your time is a scary point to come to, however when you make this shift you will not lose clients. 
  • Set up very clear expectations at the beginning of a client relationship about time, response time and meeting times. 
  • Work to an ideal week and have allocated time for lead generation, referral partners, client meetings and callbacks. 
  • When you’re just starting out in the industry it’s important to set boundaries and be clear with yourself and your family on what is work time and what is family time. 
  • It’s very easy to get caught up in low-value tasks that will waste time and not get you anywhere. 
  • Even if you’re just starting out, you have to spend time working ON your business, not IN your business. 

Key Quotes

“Choose your ‘fighting’ days. When you have a commitment to your clients, you need to fight for them, be of value to them, be present for them. Then the next day, you may have a rest day. Find your own balance.”  – Ruan

“Am I addicted to the phone? I’m addicted to the ring. I have to answer!”  – Ruan

“This is a topic close to my heart – I started broking when I was nine months pregnant with my first child!.”- Marissa.

“When you value your time more, your clients will also value your time more”. – Marissa 

“Create boundaries and no what is important to you and your family from the beginning.  – Marissa




More From Marissa and her company, Rise High Financial Solutions:

Marissa Schulze Linkedin 

Marissa Schulze Instagram 

Marissa Schulze Facebook 

Rise High Financial Solutions

More From Ruan and his company, Success and Broker:

Ruan Burger Linkedin 

Ruan Burger Instagram 

Ruan Burger Facebook 

Success and Broker

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