A Broker’s Best Friend: Consistent Actions

Written by on October 21, 2021

A Broker’s best friend is consistent actions. Consistency is how you build reputation, relationships and ultimately, a successful, sustainable lead flow, an excellent client experience and awesome client engagement.

In this article, we’ll share with you how Strategy X Consistency = Success, The Top 5 Weekly Actions Any Broker Must Do For Business Growth, The Secret Ingredient To Any Successful Broker Business and How To Get Started Now. 

Strategy X Consistency = Success


Knowing and understanding your strategy is crucial. You need to know where this ship is sailing to steer it correctly. Create your strategy backwards from your goals. What is the bigger goal you’re looking to achieve? Is it a monetary goal? An appointment number? A loan writing amount? A business growth goal? Or something else.

Know your goals [and know them well] then you can create the strategy around how those goals will be achieved. These are the very steps you need to take in order to tick that goal off your list. 

Once you have the strategy in place; implementation is key. By consistently implementing the steps involved in your strategy you will start to see success. You have to keep working on it. Plan for the year and the year beyond (just like in Chess, you’re always thinking two steps ahead).

If something isn’t working in the strategy, or you feel that one element of the strategy is taking up too much time or not yielding the right results – then revisit the plan and adjust. 


Using A Roadmap To Navigate To Success


I truly believe that it’s the broker and loan writer that works hard and puts in the time, invests in themselves, their clients, their team, is the broker that will build a successful business. 

But we’re all human.

And knowing where to start [especially when it’s a challenging market or you’ve suffered some type of setback or you’re starting a business from scratch] can be tough.

Having a plan in place that you can rely on to guide you through the motions, spark creative thought and remind you of the “musts” can be a massive help in this business.



The Top 5 Weekly Actions That Any Broker MUST Do For Business Growth


  1. Appointments

    This is a simple one. The more people you sit with, the more people you get in front of, the more people you engage with; the more business you will do. Who are you going to see and when are you going to see them? Book it in, make it a meeting and keep it.


  2. Bank Engagements

    You need to have a clear idea of who you will go to, which people to create the relationships with and how to get the best out of them.


  3. Referral Partners

    This is an interesting relationship. Too long between touchpoints and referral partners can dry up, the relationship becomes stale and can feel forced. Ensure you are on the phone, in person, talking to your key referral partners each week.


  4. Client Relationships

    Be present with your clients. Invest in your time, energy and responses with your clients. I talk about the 4 C’s of client relationships: Compliance, Control, Communication and Common Sense. When you take part in any client interaction think about whether you’ve ticked off the 4 C’s.

  5. Refresh and Replenish

    You’re no good to anyone if you’re burnt out and running on empty. Take the time each day to get outside, grab some lunch, see the sunlight, breathe in the fresh air. If you like going to the beach on the way home, do it. If you’re an early riser and need to run to get the mind ticking, do it.


The Secret Ingredient To Any Successful Broker Business 


Pppsssttt it’s the clients. No dramatic reveal here.

A thriving business runs on a consistent stream of clients. So if you’re ever wondering ‘what should I do with my time?’ your first point of call should be “Focus On The Clients”. 

That is your existing clients and your new client pipeline. Your clients are what will pay the bills, allow your business to grow, see you booking that holiday and everything in between.

The best way to start feeling successful and getting ahead in business is to get started. This is if you’re a self-employed broker, work for a mortgage brokerage, or you’re a loan writer. Whatever it is that you want to grow in your business, whether it’s client retention, client relationships, referral partners: Invest your energy in actions that will contribute to this goal being successful.

How You Can Get Started Now 

This is an easy one – we’ve done the hard work for you and created a collection of learnings that will lead you on the path to continued growth and success. The Broker Journal is a collection of experiences, processes, real-life examples that have helped to build and sell two award-winning broker businesses. The Broker Journal will help you build your loan book and your business. It will help you stay on course with step-by-step, easy to understand actions and instructions week after week, month after month.


Ultimately, the Broker Journal is all about better outcomes for you, your clients and your referral partners. It’s designed to help every broker and loan writer who is willing to invest in themselves, grow and succeed. Sign up for just $2 a day! You can start at any level of business, any stage of your career and any time of the year. There’s nothing holding you back. CLICK HERE. 

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