australian brokers

Imagine a life where your work energises you rather than drains you. Where you can nurture your passions, strengthen relationships, and achieve your goals - personally and professionally - without sacrificing one for the other. This isn’t a fantasy; it’s the outcome of creating harmony between your business and family life. It all starts with [...]


How to Build a Sustainable Broking Business - with guest Matt Posselt Designed for Brokers, made by Brokers. December 2, 2024 Matt Posselt of Elite Finance Australia on How to Build a Sustainable Broking Business. In this episode of The LVR Podcast, hosts Ruan Burger and Marissa Schulze sit down with Matthew Posselt of Elite Finance [...]


The Journey from Banker to Broker - with guest Nick Wilcox Designed for Brokers, made by Brokers. November 23, 2024 Nick Wilcox of Blue Crane Capital shares his inspiring story of leaving the banking world, becoming a broker, and scaling to $100 million in settlements. In this episode of The LVR Podcast, hosts Ruan Burger [...]


Imagine a team that's not just working together, but truly thriving. They share a common purpose, they support each other, and they're passionate about what they do. This isn't a utopia; it's the result of a strong company ethos in action. This guide will walk you through the steps of creating an ethos that not [...]


How To Budget To Spend for Sustainable Growth - with guest Tim Amourous Designed for Brokers, made by Brokers. October 23, 2024 We chat with Tim Amourous from Olleh Lending about the key steps to take when transitioning from a single-operator to a thriving multi-broker business. In this episode of the LVR Podcast, hosts Ruan [...]


How Can a Mortgage Broker Work Best with a Real Estate Agency? - with guest Josh Sherwood Designed for Brokers, made by Brokers. September 26, 2024 We sit down with Josh Sherwood from Freedom Property about how mortgage brokers can build successful, long-term partnerships with real estate agents. In this episode of The LVR Podcast, [...]


In today’s competitive mortgage industry, technical skills alone won’t secure long-term success. What sets top brokers and brokerage business owners apart is often their ability to connect with clients, manage their teams effectively, and navigate the emotional landscape of their business — all aspects of emotional intelligence (EI). Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to [...]


How to Create a Great Culture in Your Workplace - with guest Steve Sharp Designed for Brokers, made by Brokers. August 28, 2024 Discover how to cultivate a team environment where everyone feels valued, empowered, and motivated to go above and beyond. In this episode of the LVR Podcast, workplace environment and resilience expert Steve [...]


How Can AI Help the Mortgage Broking Industry? - with guest Julian Fayad Designed for Brokers, made by Brokers. August 9, 2024 How will AI change mortgage broking? 🤔 Tune in as we discuss the opportunities and challenges with industry expert Julian Fayad. In the latest episode of the LVR Podcast, our hosts Ruan Burger [...]


"I don't know what to do...." It’s a phrase that often echoes in the minds of many professionals, especially mortgage brokers navigating the complexities of their industry. Whether it’s explicitly stated or a silent worry, the uncertainty is always present. Overwhelmed and Overworked: "I'm working too many hours. I'm exhausted and not spending enough time with [...]


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