Broking Tips

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Here are a few hard truths: around 81% of New Year’s Resolutions fail. Eight times out of 10, you’re more likely to fall back into old habits, and most people give up on new routines. Why? Because change is hard. We’re not saying this to demotivate or discourage you — quite the opposite. Our goal is [...]


It’s that time of the year again! Your brokerage is gearing up for a busy year, making plans and working out what you’ll need to do to achieve them. In episode 26 of the LVR Podcast, we chatted about changes we can expect next year — especially in a rate-rising environment.  The bottom line: 2023 [...]


Who doesn’t love the beginning of a new year? There’s an exciting buzz in the air, motivation is at an all-time high, and everyone is ready to kick serious goals after a much-deserved break. We bet you’re gearing up to tackle your biggest year in business yet — go you! Now’s the time to review [...]


Be honest, is your motivation dwindling this month? If you’re vigorously nodding ‘yes’, don’t panic; ‘end-of-the-year fatigue’ is a legitimate phenomenon that tends to sneak up on all of us. After months of putting in the hard yards, it’s perfectly normal — if not expected — to hit a bit of a slump before the [...]


Brokers, pat yourselves on the back — you’ve almost made it to Christmas, which means another year of growing, learning, and achieving! We bet you’re itching to wind down and take a load off (we know we are), but before you close your doors, it’s time to prepare your brokerage for Christmas closure. If you’re [...]


You’ve probably heard of a little something called the Great Resignation — also known as the ‘Big Quit’ or the ‘Great Shuffle.’ It’s a post-pandemic phenomenon that has seen record numbers of employees voluntarily resign from their jobs in the last year. It’s a big deal.  In Australia alone, one million people have quit their [...]


It’s an exciting week for the Success & Broker team as we celebrate our first year in business! We can’t believe it has already been a year since Ruan decided to step away from his Brisbane-based brokerage firm, Time Home Loans, and take a much-deserved (albeit short-lived) break.  We’ve come a long way since we [...]


Whilst you might like to think that you work with adults and shouldn’t have to ‘manage’ them, the facts are that a workplace’s culture is determined by how the leaders let a workplace be run.  If a leader or a team of leaders is out of touch with the team and the culture of the [...]


Forget five year plans - if you think back five years ago would you have predicted the state of the world right now? No! - let's think right NOW and let's think about getting to work and smashing some goals in the next three months.   You’ll be surprised how much you can achieve in [...]


It’s a very competitive market place right now when it comes to finding the right people that are going to help grow your business. Business owners all want to find the best applicants, attract them to apply for the role on offer and welcome them into their team effectively. The time, investment and energy this [...]


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