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Simply: Yes. Reviews give you and your business credibility, social proof, reliability and ultimately, reviews can make or break your business. “Social proof” means we trust reviews because they come from people like us, who have tried and used a product or service before us and thus have more knowledge on its outcomes than we [...]


The business of mortgage broking is a business built around people, relationships and connections. Referrals are a big part of your business growth plan and when you’re just starting out in the industry, referrals can take time (and money) and patience. I’m a big believer in the saying “you earn your referrals”, and I’ll explain [...]


Digital Vs Relationships Designed for Brokers, made by Brokers. December 1st, 2021 This podcast is our chance to give back to the mortgage broking industry and talk about real issues that are affecting most brokers and loan writers right now. Learning, Validation and Respect = the very foundations of all relationships.  THIS EPISODE WAS BROUGHT [...]


How Much Compliance Is Enough? Designed for Brokers, made by Brokers. November 17th, 2021 This podcast is our chance to give back to the mortgage broking industry and talk about real issues that are affecting most brokers and loan writers right now. Learning, Validation and Respect = the very foundations of all relationships.  THIS EPISODE [...]


Brokers and loan writers are having more deals done and seeing more loans than ever before. This allows any broker and loan writer the opportunity to create a solid database of clients, potential clients and referral partners. However, not all business will be good business. In this market, it’s important to stay true to yourself […]


What Is The LVR Podcast™ All About? Designed for Brokers, made by Brokers. November 3rd, 2021 This podcast is our chance to give back to the mortgage broking industry and talk about real issues that are affecting most brokers and loan writers right now. Learning, Validation and Respect = the very foundations of all relationships.  [...]


A Broker’s best friend is consistent actions. Consistency is how you build reputation, relationships and ultimately, a successful, sustainable lead flow, an excellent client experience and awesome client engagement. In this article, we’ll share with you how Strategy X Consistency = Success, The Top 5 Weekly Actions Any Broker Must Do For Business Growth, The [...]


Daily steps, daily motivations and daily actions become your new normal when you are searching for success. Why? Because success comes from small steps, practised every day. When you set out to become a successful mortgage broker, or you’re desperate for that next level of success, ROUTINE is the name of the game. Through routine, [...]


After building and selling successful mortgage broking companies in both regional Gladstone and metropolitan Brisbane, industry leader Ruan has set his sights on coaching Australian mortgage brokers and loan writers to success.  “I spent the last fifteen years as a broker, understanding what makes a broker win or not. I wanted to create a system [...]


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