How Workplace Culture Can Boost Your Brokerage’s Recruitment Efforts

Written by on October 25, 2022

You’ve probably heard of a little something called the Great Resignation — also known as the ‘Big Quit’ or the ‘Great Shuffle.’ It’s a post-pandemic phenomenon that has seen record numbers of employees voluntarily resign from their jobs in the last year.

It’s a big deal. 

In Australia alone, one million people have quit their jobs, and 44% of workers say they are searching for a new job. These are record numbers that the world has not seen in over a decade — so why the shift? The pandemic has been an eye-opener in many ways, causing us to rethink our careers and the role that work plays in our lives

Now that the dust has settled, we are searching for meaning and purpose. We want to know that what we do matters and that we are a part of a workplace culture that aligns with our values. Any business on the hunt for new talent will need to keep this front of mind if they hope to attract the best! 

In this post, we will explore how workplace culture can play a key role in boosting your brokerage’s recruitment efforts.

What’s ‘Workplace Culture’ and Why Does it Matter?

While some industries — such as healthcare and hospitality — have been hit harder by the Great Resignation, mortgage broking hasn’t gone unscathed. For many businesses, this is the first time they’ve experienced this kind of reshuffle, and we’ve reached a pivotal moment. So how will you stand out in a job seeker’s market? If you ask us, it all comes down to culture.  

Look at any job advertisement, and you will notice that everyone says workplace culture is essential, but few reflect accordingly — go figure! The issue is that ‘culture’ is a difficult term to nail down; we all have different ideas of what it is and how it should look in action. 

At Success & Broker, we believe that good standards build a good workplace culture. For us, that means everyone shows up, shares knowledge, and commits. Clearly defining our norms and striving to meet our standards creates an excellent platform for building a positive and healthy workplace culture

Without understanding and promoting culture, your recruitment efforts are going to struggle. People seek to be happy in life and the workplace, so for us, it’s important to make sure that all staff know what happiness is for the business — this is especially important for recruitment.

“It’s important to make sure that all staff know what happiness is for the business.”

The bottom line? Finding the right people for the right role is just the beginning. Retaining excellent team members, improving the culture and investing in your team’s learning and development are some of the goals you should be looking to achieve. 

Tools That Can Help To Boost Recruitment

Consider Leveraging a Paid Platform

In episode 24 of the LVR Podcast, we spoke to special guest Paul Findlay — CEO and Founder of REACH Ecosystems, about the struggles of attraction and retention in the broker business. The goal is to build a team that loves what they do and adds value to your business daily, but finding the right people isn’t always a walk in the park.

Enter REACH: an automated and data-led capability and culture platform that is designed to help you find the right person for the job — not just from a skills perspective but in terms of culture fit, too! 

While REACH offers a host of handy platform features, one that really caught our attention is culture surveys. This tool can gather a tonne of feedback on how engaged and content the team are feeling within their roles and toward the business. We know REACH will be a game-changer for our industry. That is why we are excited to be working closely with Paul and the team as we enter the next phase of growth at Success & Broker.

Try Your Hand At Database Recruitment 

Another key way to boost your recruitment efforts is through database recruitment — have you heard of it? It’s exactly what it sounds like: leveraging your list of contacts to search for a new hire. Personally, we can not think of a better way to recruit. In fact, many of our clients have tested it out and say they are now reaping the rewards. 

So, why does this method of recruitment work so well? We think it’s because trust is a two-way street, and database recruitment reinforces that by communicating to your tribe (the people who know and trust your business), you trust them to help find your next stellar team member. 

Not only will your clients feel respected and proud to be included in your recruitment journey, but it’s also a handy way to communicate that your business is growing — a message that tends to be best shared when wrapped up in another. 


Are you looking for ways to improve your workplace culture and improve your recruitment prospects? Explore our Proventus coaching program to learn how you can build customised strategies and tactics, create a future-proof business plan, and diversify your offerings.

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