How Much Compliance Is Enough?
Designed for Brokers, made by Brokers.
November 17th, 2021
Designed for Brokers, made by Brokers.
November 17th, 2021
This podcast is our chance to give back to the mortgage broking industry and talk about real issues that are affecting most brokers and loan writers right now. Learning, Validation and Respect = the very foundations of all relationships.
“I have a mixed view. Compliance can be a good thing, as long as it’s executed properly and it’s ultimately driving a better result for the consumer. But there potentially has been additional compliance added that is not necessarily adding to the outcome for the consumer.”
“I believe that if you’re not willing to take the compliance seriously, then you probably shouldn’t be in the industry”. 8:36
“What are you putting in writing today to make sure you’re protected tomorrow?”
“Compliance is only as bad as you make it.”